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number是什么意思,number的解释  英汉词典 number是什么意思

number是什么意思,number的解释 英汉词典 number是什么意思

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    number是什么意思,number的解释  英汉词典 number是什么意思


    n. 数, 数字, 数目, 号码
    vt. 数, 计算, 共计
    vi. 计算, 报数
    【计】 数字
    【医】 数, 值
    【经】 数, 数字, 号码
    to the number of
    without number
    times without number
    a number of
    any number of
    beyond number
    get sb's number
    have sb's number
    in number
    a small number of
    a large number of
    number one


    名词:numberer 动词过去式: 过去分词: 现在分词: 第三人称单数:numbers 


    quantity, amount, number, sum
    quantity: 书面用词,指事物的总量和总数量,侧重大批计量,含准确测量的意味。
    amount: 普通用词,与quantity近义,但强调整体,指把所有数量、重量及度量归并在一起得出的总数。
    number: 普通用词,指人或物的数目,强调数的概念。
    sum: 普通用词,指简单加算的结果。


    名词 number:

    1. the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals
    2. a concept of quantity derived from zero and units
    3. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
      同义词:act, routine, turn, bit
    4. a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification
      同义词:identification number
    5. the number is used in calling a particular telephone
      同义词:phone number, telephone number
    6. a symbol used to represent a number
    7. one of a series published periodically
    8. a select company of people
    9. the grammatical category for the forms of nouns and pronouns and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved (singular or dual or plural)
    10. an item of merchandise offered for sale
    11. a clothing measurement

    动词 number:

    1. add up in number or quantity
      同义词:total, add up, come, amount
    2. give numbers to
    3. enumerate
    4. put into a group
    5. determine the number or amount of
      同义词:count, enumerate, numerate
    6. place a limit on the number of
      同义词:keep down


    1. She pretends to be friendly but I've got her number; she just likes to know everything.
      她装得挺亲热,可我了解她的底; 她就是什麽事都爱打听。
    2. That new Fiat is a fast little number.
    3. The number of your finger is ten.
    4. The students of our department numbered in the hundreds.


    n.(名词)Mathematics 【数学】 A member of the set of positive integers; one of a series of symbols of unique meaning in a fixed order that can be derived by counting.正整数:正整数集合中的一元;能够以计算得出且以一固定顺序排列的一系列只具唯一意义的符号中的一个A member of any of the further sets of mathematical objects, such as negative integers and real numbers, that can be derived from the positive integers by induction.数:更多的数学集合中的一元,如负整数或实数,通过归纳正整数而得出numbers Arithmetic. numbers 算术Abbr. no.,n.,num.,No.缩写 no.,n.,num.,No.A symbol or word used to represent a number.数字:表示数的符号或字A numeral or a series of numerals used for reference or identification:号,号码:表示参照或识别的一个数字或一系列数字:例句:his telephone number; the apartment number.他的电话号码;房间号

    A position in an ordered sequence that corresponds to one of the positive integers:号,位:和一个正整数相符的有顺序的系列中的位置:例句:the house that is number three from the corner; ranked number six in her class.从拐角处起的第三座房子;在她的班上排第六位
    One item in a group or series considered to be in numerical order:一期,一册:按数字顺序排列的一组或一系列中的一个:例句:an old number of a magazine.一期旧杂志
    A total; a sum:总数;总和:例句:the number of feet in a mile.一英里的英尺总数
    An indefinite quantity of units or individuals:数量:集体或个体不确定的量:例句:The crowd was small in number. A number of people complained about the poor lighting in the museum.那群人的人数并不多。许多人抱怨博物馆照明不好
    numbers numbers A large quantity; a multitude:大量;大批:例句:Numbers of people visited the fair.许多人参加了商品展销会
    Numerical superiority:数量上优越:例句:The South had leaders, the North numbers.南方有领导上的优势,北方有数量上的优势
    Grammar The indication, as by inflection, of the singularity or plurality of a linguistic form.【语法】 数:如通过屈折变化对语言形式单数或复数的标示numbers numbers Metrical feet or lines; verses:韵律的音乐或诗行;韵文:例句:.These numbers will I tear, and write in prose.(Shakespeare).我要除去韵文,再以散文的形式来写.(莎士比亚)
    Obsolete Poetic meter.【废语】 诗的韵律numbers Archaic Musical periods or measures. numbers 【古语】 音乐的乐节或节拍numbers (used with a sing. or pl. verb)Games A numbers game. numbers (与单数或复数动词连用)【游戏】 彩票 * Numbers (used with a sing. verb)Abbr. Nb.,Num.Bible See table at Bible Numbers (与单数动词连用)缩写 Nb.,Num.【圣经】 参见 BibleOne of the separate offerings in a program of music or other entertainment:一项,一个节目:音乐或其它娱乐表演中的独立的一段:例句:The band`s second number was a ballad.乐队的第二个节目是芭蕾
    Slang A frequently repeated, characteristic speech, argument, or performance:【俚语】 老一套:多次重复的典型的语言、论辩或行为:例句:The suspects will do their usual number—protesting innocence—and then confess.嫌疑犯会使出老一套原始的做法——辩护自己的清白--然后再坦白
    Slang A person or thing singled out for a particular characteristic:【俚语】 独特的人或事:显示出独特个性的人或事:例句:a suspect who was a crafty number.狡猾的嫌疑犯
    v.(动词)num.bered,num.ber.ing,num.bers v.tr.(及物动词)To assign a number to.给…标号To determine the number or amount of; count.决定…的数或的数量;计算To total in number or amount; add up to.总计:计算数或量的总和;总计To include in a group or category:列入:纳入一组或一个范围内:例句:He was numbered among the lost.他被列入失踪者的行列
    To mention one by one; enumerate.列举:一个一个地数;列举To limit or restrict in number:指日可数:数量上限制:例句:Our days are numbered.我们的日子不长了
    v.intr.(不及物动词)To call off numbers; count:依次叫数;数数:例句:numbering to ten.数到十
    To constitute a group or number:形成一组或数:例句:The applicants numbered in the thousands.申请者数以千计

    by the numbers
    In unison as numbers are called out by a leader:按口令:领头者喊口令时统一行动:例句:performing calisthenics by the numbers.按口令做健美操
    In a strict, step-by-step or mechanical way.机械地:以严格的,一步一步的或机械的方式do a number on【俚语】
    To defeat, abuse, or humiliate in a calculated and thorough way.彻底地挫败:精心策划和彻底地挫败、使无用或使丢脸get (someone`s) number 或
    have (someone`s) number
    To determine or know someone`s real character or motives.对某人心中有数:确定或了解某人真正的性格或动机without number 或
    beyond number
    Too many to be counted; countless:无数的;数不清的:例句:Mosquitoes without number filled the yard.无数的蚊子充满了院子
    习惯用语>来源:Middle English nombre 中古英语 nombre from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin numerus * see nem- 源自 拉丁语 numerus *参见 nem-
    n.(名词)As a collective nounnumber may take either a singular or a plural verb. It takes a singular verb when it is preceded by the definite articlethe : 作为一个集合名词,number 既可以跟动词单数形式也可以跟动词复数形式。 当它前面是定冠词the 时,后跟单数动词: 例句:The number of skilled workers is small. 熟练工人数较少。
    It takes a plural verb when preceded by the indefinite articlea : 当它前面是不定冠词a 时,后跟复数动词: 例句:A number of the workers are unskilled. 许多工人技术不熟练





