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look是什么意思,look的解释  英汉词典

look是什么意思,look的解释 英汉词典

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    look是什么意思,look的解释  英汉词典


    n. 一看, 神色, 样子, 面容
    vi. 看, 注意, 朝着, 显得
    vt. 打量, 看上去与...一样, 以眼色(或脸色)显示, 期待
    【法】 看, 注意, 留神
    give sb a dirty look
    look about
    look after
    look down
    look for
    look back
    not much to look at
    look ahead
    never look back
    look in
    look into sth
    look on
    look oneself
    look sth out
    look sth over
    look through sth
    look to
    look to sb for help
    look to sb to do sth
    look up
    look sth up
    look sb up
    look up to sb
    look ill
    look well
    upon the look
    give sb a look-in
    have a look-in
    look here
    look black
    look blue
    look big
    look small
    look sb in the face
    look sb up and down
    look daggers at sb
    give sb a look
    steal a look


    动词过去式:looked 过去分词:looked 现在分词:looking 第三人称单数: 


    appear, look, seem
    appear: 指从感观印象看似乎是如此,但有时着重指因视野、观点限制而产生的歪曲印象。
    look: 指从样子看起来,侧重通过视觉而建立的印象。
    seem: 多指从主观印象或个反应得出的看法。
    appearance, look, face, aspect
    appearance: 普通用词,着重由总体产生的印象。
    look: 普通用词,多用复数,可与appearance换用,但较口语化。
    face: 侧重指容貌。
    aspect: 书面用词,突出人或事物在某特定时间或地点时的外貌。
    look, see, watch, observe, witness
    look: 侧重“看”的动作。
    see: 指看见。
    watch: 指用眼睛跟随某物,以便对每一个变化、运动等进行观察。
    observe: 侧重以客观的态度进行观察。
    witness: 指当场看见,亲眼看见。


    名词 look:

    1. the feelings expressed on a person's face
      同义词:expression, aspect, facial expression, face
    2. the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually
      同义词:looking, looking at
    3. physical appearance
    4. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
      同义词:spirit, tone, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, smell

    动词 look:

    1. perceive with attention; direct one's gaze towards
    2. give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect
      同义词:appear, seem
    3. have a certain outward or facial expression
    4. search or seek
    5. be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to
      同义词:front, face
    6. take charge of or deal with
      同义词:attend, take care, see
    7. convey by one's expression
    8. look forward to the probable occurrence of
      同义词:expect, await, wait
    9. accord in appearance with
    10. have faith or confidence in
      同义词:count, bet, depend, calculate, reckon


    1. Can't you look where you're going? You nearly knocked me over!
    2. Just look at this beautiful present.
    3. It looks bad not going to your own brother's wedding.
    4. The window looks upon the street.
    5. He looked at the baby with a smile.
    6. They looked forward very much to seeing him again.
    7. He looks nervous.


    v.(动词)looked,look.ing,looks v.intr.(不及物动词)

    To employ one`s sight, especially in a given direction or on a given object:看,注视:观看,尤指在某一特定方向或在某一特定物上:例句:looking out the window; looked at the floor.向窗外看;看地板
    To search:寻找:例句:We looked all afternoon but could not find it.我们找了一个下午但是找不到它

    To turn one`s glance or gaze:往…看:转移某人的视线:例句:looked to the right.向右看
    To turn one`s attention; attend:转移注意力;注意:例句:looked to his neglected guitar during vacation.在假期里想到了他那被遗忘的吉它
    To turn one`s expectations:转移期望:例句:looked to us for a solution.向我们寻找解答
    To seem or appear to be:似乎,显得:看似或看起来:例句:look morose.See Synonyms at seem 看起来不高兴参见 seem
    To face in a specified direction:朝向:面对某一特定方向:例句:The cottage looks on the river.小屋对着河
    v.tr.(及物动词)To turn one`s eyes on:转移目光于:例句:looked him in the eye.看着他的眼睛
    To convey by one`s expression:用某人的表情传达:例句:looked annoyance at the judge; looked his devotion to me.恼怒地看着法官;用热诚的眼神看着我

    To have an appearance of conformity with:符合:看起来与…一致:例句:He looks his age. She dressed up to look the part.他看起来与他的年龄相符。他化了妆以便看起来合乎身份
    To appear to be:看起来象:例句:looked the fool in one version of the story.看起来象是故事中傻瓜的角色

    The act or instance of looking:看:看的行动或事例:例句:I took just one look and I was sure.我只看了一眼就确认了
    A gaze or glance expressive of something:眼色,眼神:表达某种含义的目光:例句:gave her a mournful look.悲伤地看了她一眼

    Appearance or aspect:外表,外貌:例句:a look of great age.看起来年头很久
    looks Physical appearance, especially when pleasing. looks 容貌,脸色:身体的外表,尤指高兴时的A distinctive, unified manner of dress or fashion:穿着的方式,流行的式样:特殊的、一致的穿着方式或时尚:例句:the preferred look for this fall.今年秋天的流行打扮

    look after
    To take care of:照顾:例句:looked after his younger brother.照顾他的小弟弟
    look for
    To search for; seek:寻找;搜索:例句:looking for my gloves.找我的手套
    To expect:希望:例句:Look for a change of weather in March.希望三月天气会变
    look on 或
    look upon
    To regard in a certain way:认为,看待:用某种方式看待:例句:looked on them as incompetents.认为他们不胜任
    look out
    To be watchful or careful; take care:小心,当心;注意:例句:If you don`t look out, you may fall on the ice. We looked out for each other on the trip.如果不小心的话,你会在冰上摔倒的。我们在旅途中互相照看
    look to
    To expect:期望:例句:He looked to hear from her.他期望收到她的信
    To seem about to; promise to:看似将要;许诺做:例句:.an ‘Action Program,’ which . . . looked to reduce tariffs on over ,800 items.(Alan D. Romberg).一个…许诺削减500种物品关税的‘行动计划’.(艾伦D.龙伯格)
    look up
    To search for and find, as in a reference book.查找:在参考书中寻找并找到To visit:拜访:例句:look up an old friend.拜访一个老朋友
    To become better; improve:变得更好;改善:例句:Things are at last looking up.情况终于有所改观
    常用词组>look a gift horse in the mouth【非正式用语】
    To be critical or suspicious of something one has received without expense.天上掉下的馅饼:对不付任何代价就得到的某物表示批评或怀疑look alive 或
    look sharp 【非正式用语】
    To act or respond quickly:快:快速地行动或反应:例句:Look alive! We leave in five minutes.快点!我们五分钟内出发
    look down on 或
    look down upon
    To regard with contempt or condescension.轻视:以轻蔑或屈尊的态度看待look down (one`s) nose at 或
    look down (one`s) nose on
    To regard with contempt or condescension.轻视:以轻蔑或屈尊的态度看待look forward to
    To think of (a future event) with pleasurable, eager anticipation:期望:以满意、急切的希望想着(将来的一件事):例句:looking forward to graduation.期待着毕业
    look up to
    To admire:仰慕:例句:looked up to the older poet.仰慕那位年老些的诗人
    习惯用语>来源:Middle English loken 中古英语 loken from Old English cian 源自 古英语 cian

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