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mix是什么意思,mix的解释  英汉词典 mix的过去式怎么写

mix是什么意思,mix的解释 英汉词典 mix的过去式怎么写

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    mix是什么意思,mix的解释  英汉词典 mix的过去式怎么写


    n. 混合物, 混乱, 糊涂
    vt. 使混合, 弄混, 使结合, 混淆
    vi. 相混合, 交往, 参与
    【医】 混合, 混和
    mix black with white
    mix with


    动词过去式: 过去分词: 现在分词: 第三人称单数:mixes 形容词: 


    mix, mingle, blend, combine, merge
    mix: 含义广泛,侧重混合的一致性,混合的各成分可能按原样存在,但不一定能辨别出来。
    mingle: 暗示混合后的各成分仍保持各自的特性,能辨别出来。
    blend: 一般可与mix和mingle换用,混合后各成分的性质通常是一致的,侧重混合整体的统一性与和谐性。
    combine: 通常用于化学反应中,指化合物等。
    merge: 指一种成分被别一种成分吸收或融合,着重成分的个性消失在整体之中。


    名词 mix:

    1. a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients
    2. an event that combines things in a mixture
    3. the act of mixing together
      同义词:commixture, admixture, mixture, intermixture, mixing

    动词 mix:

    1. mix together different elements
      同义词:blend, flux, conflate, commingle, immix, fuse, coalesce, meld, combine, merge
    2. open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups
      同义词:desegregate, integrate
    3. to bring or combine together or with something else
      同义词:mingle, commix, unify, amalgamate
    4. combine (electronic signals)
    5. add as an additional element or part
      同义词:mix in
    6. mix so as to make a random order or arrangement
      同义词:shuffle, ruffle


    1. He finds it hard to mix at parties.
    2. In my job, I mix with all sorts of people.
    3. You can't mix oil with water.
    4. She put the sugar into the coffee and mixed them up with a spoon.


    v.(动词)mixed,mix.ing,mix.es v.tr.(及物动词)

    To combine or blend into one mass or mixture.混合,混杂:合成或融合成一团或一个合成物To create or form by combining ingredients:合成:通过混合配料产生或形成:例句:mix a drink; mix cement.合成一种饮料;合成水泥
    To add (an ingredient or element) to another:搀入,加进:把(一种配料或成分)加入另一种之中:例句:mix an egg into batter.在面糊中加进一个鸡蛋
    To combine or join:合成或会合:例句:mix joy with sorrow.喜悲交集
    To bring into social contact:使交往联系:例句:mix boys and girls in the classroom.男女同班
    To crossbreed.杂交Electronics 【电子学】 To combine (two or more audio tracks or channels) to produce a composite audio recording.混录,混频:合成两种或更多的音轨或波段,以产生一种混合音频录音To produce (a soundtrack or recording) in this manner.混录,混音:以这种方式产生(一个音带或录章)v.intr.(不及物动词)

    To become mixed or blended together.使混合:成为混合的或混合在一起To be capable of being blended together:被混合在一起:例句:Oil does not mix with water.油不能和水融合在一起
    To associate socially or get along with others:交往:交往或与其他人相处:例句:He does not mix well at parties.他在晚会上不太合群
    To be crossbred.被杂交To become involved:介入,卷入:例句:In the case of a family argument, it is better for a friend not to mix in.朋友最好别介入家庭纠纷
    n.(名词)An act of mixing.混合:混和的行为

    A mixture, especially of ingredients packaged and sold commercially:混合物,综合物:混合物,尤指盒装和销售制配混合物:例句:a cake mix.蛋糕混合料
    A blend of diverse elements; an amalgamation:融合,联合:多种多样的成分的混合;融合:例句:.a mix of mean streets and the grandest boulevards—no other place in Paris is as eclectic and eccentric . . . as the 7th.(Jean Rafferty).简陋的街道与最豪华的巴黎林荫大道共存,巴黎市中没有其它地方能象十七区这样风格多样而奇特.(简·拉夫尔蒂)
    Electronics A recording that is produced by combining and adjusting two or more audio tracks or channels.【电子学】 混频录音,混音机:通过混合和调整两种或更多的音轨或频道而产生的一种录音
    mix down 【电子学】
    To combine all of the audio components of a recording into a final soundtrack or mix.混音:合成一个录音的所有音频成分以形成最后的声道或混音mix up
    To confuse; confound:使弄不清:使混乱;混淆:例句:His explanation just mixed me up more. I always mix up the twins.他的解释令我更加糊涂了。我总是把这对双胞胎弄混
    To involve or implicate:牵涉或牵连:例句:He got himself mixed up with the wrong people.他与那些坏人为伍
    常用词组>mix it up【俚语】
    To fight.打仗习惯用语>来源:Back-formation from Middle English mixt, mixed [mixed] 源自 中古英语 mixt的逆构词, mixed [混合的] from Anglo-Norman mixte 源自 英法语 mixte from Latin mixtus [past participle of] miscôre [to mix] * see meik- 源自 拉丁语 mixtus [] miscôre的过去分词 [混合] *参见 meik-
    adj.(形容词)mix,blend,mingle,coalesce,merge,amalgamate,fuse同义词>These verbs mean to put into or come together in one mass so that constituent parts or elements are diffused or commingled.这些动词意味着放入或混合成一团以致其构成部分或成分被分散或混合。 Mix is the least specific,implying only components capable of being combined: Mix 是最不常用的,只含有成份被混合的意思: 例句:mix water and wine;混合水和酒;
    例句:motives that were mixed.多种动机。
    例句:Greed and charity don`t mix. Toblend is to mix intimately and harmoniously so that the components shade into each other, losing some or all of their original definition: 贪婪和怜悯是不相容的。 Blend 是紧密而和谐地混合以致各成分彼此融合而失去其某些或全部的原始定义:
    例句:blended mocha and java coffee beans;混合摩卡咖啡和爪哇咖啡豆;
    例句:snow-covered mountains blending into the clouds.白雪覆盖的山峦融入云雾中。
    Mingle implies combination without loss of individual characteristics: Mingle 意为有不损其个体特色的混合: 例句:.Respect was mingled with surprise. (Sir Walter Scott). .敬慕中带着惊奇. (沃尔特·斯科特爵)。
    例句:.His companions mingled freely and joyously with the natives. (Washington Irving)..他的伙伴们自由而快乐的与土著人融合在一起. (华盛顿·欧文)。
    Coalesce involves a union, often slowly achieved, with a distinct new identity: Coalesce 意为一种通常缓慢取得的有着明显的新同一性的联盟: 例句:Indigenous peoples and conquerors gradually coalesced into the present-day population.土生土长的人们和征服者们逐渐合并成现在的居民人口。
    Merge implies the absorption of one entity into another with resultant homogeneity: Merge 含有把一种实体吸收到另一种中去产生均匀和谐的结果: 例句:Tradition and innovation are merged in this new composition.传统与创新和谐地统一在这个新的作品当中。
    例句:Twilight merged into night.黄昏消失在夜色中。
    Amalgamate implies the integration of elements: Amalgamate 含有各成分综合的意思: 例句:.The four sentences of the original are amalgamated into two. (William Minto)..原文中的四个句子被合并成两句. (威廉·明托)。
    Fuse emphasizes an enduring union, as that formed by heating metals,strongly marked by the merging of parts: Fuse 强调象由加热的金属形成的持久联合,以组成部分的融合为强烈特征: 例句:.He diffuses a tone and spirit of unity, that blends, and (as it were) fuses, each into each. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)..他创造了一种团结的气氛和精神,他们相互合并交融(正如它原本应该的情况) (塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治)






