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water是什么意思,water的解释  英汉词典 tiger的音标

water是什么意思,water的解释 英汉词典 tiger的音标

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    n. 水, 雨水, 海水, 水位, 水面, 流水
    vt. 给...浇水, 供以水, 注入水, 使湿
    vi. 流泪, 流口水, 加水
    a. 水的, 水上的, 水生的, 含水的
    【化】 水
    【医】 水, 水剂
    【经】 水, 水费, 虚设发行
    above water
    be in hot water
    get into hot water
    bring the water to sb's mouth
    make sb's mouth water
    go through fire and water
    hold water
    throw cold water on
    water sth down
    in deep water
    in low water
    in rough water
    in smooth water
    keep oneself above water
    one's head above water
    like a fish out of water
    like water off a duck's back
    pass water
    make water
    on the water
    spend money like water


    名词: 动词过去式: 过去分词: 现在分词: 第三人称单数: 


    名词 water:

    1. binary compound that occurs at room temperature as a clear colorless odorless tasteless liquid; freezes into ice below 0 degrees centigrade and boils above 100 degrees centigrade; widely used as a solvent
    2. the part of the earth's surface covered with water (such as a river or lake or ocean)
      同义词:body of water
    3. a facility that provides a source of water
      同义词:water system, water supply
    4. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
    5. liquid excretory product
      同义词:urine, piss, pee, piddle, weewee
    6. a fluid necessary for the life of most animals and plants

    动词 water:

    1. supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams
    2. provide with water
    3. secrete or form water, as tears or saliva
    4. fill with tears


    1. The smoke made my eyes water.
    2. Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold.


    n.(名词)A clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid, H2O, essential for most plant and animal life and the most widely used of all solvents. Freezing point 0=C (32=F); boiling point 00=C (22=F); specific gravity (4=C) .0000; weight per gallon (5=C) 8.337 pounds (3.772 kilograms). 水:清洁、无色、无嗅、无味的液体,H2O,为绝大部分植物和动物生命所必需,广泛用于所有的溶剂。冰点为零摄氏度(32华氏度);沸点为00摄氏度(22华氏度);标准密度为(4摄氏度).0000;每加仑(5摄氏度)重8.337磅(3.772公斤)

    Any of various forms of water:水:水的各种形式之任一种:例句:waste water.废水
    Often waters Naturally occurring mineral water, as at a spa. 常作 waters 矿泉水:自然出产之矿质水,如矿泉中的水

    A body of water such as a sea, lake, river, or stream.水体:如海、湖、河或溪等大片的水waters A particular stretch of sea or ocean, especially that of a state or country: waters 领海:尤指一国的专门一片海或洋:例句:escorted out of British waters.护航离开英国领海

    A supply of water:水源:水的供应:例句:had to turn off the water while repairing the broken drain.修理漏管道的时候必须切断水源
    A water supply system.供水系统

    Any of the liquids present in or passed out of the body, such as urine, perspiration, tears, or saliva.体液:存在于体内或排出体外的液体,如尿、汗液、泪水或唾液The fluid surrounding a fetus in the uterus; amniotic fluid.羊水: * 包围胎儿之液体;羊膜液An aqueous solution of a substance, especially a gas:水溶液:尤其是气体物质的水溶液:例句:ammonia water. *
    A wavy finish or sheen, as of a fabric or metal.波纹:织物或金属的波纹或光泽

    The valuation of the assets of a business firm beyond their real value.高估:一公司超过其实际价值的资产估价Stock issued in excess of paid-in capital.虚股:超过收入资本而发行的股本

    The transparency and luster of a gem.水色:宝石的透明度及光洁度A level of excellence.优质度:极好的水平v.(动词)wa.tered,wa.ter.ing,wa.ters v.tr.(及物动词)To pour or sprinkle water on; make wet:浇洒:向…上灌或喷水;使湿:例句:watered the garden.浇花园

    To give drinking water to.提供饮水:向…提供饮用水To lead (an animal) to drinking water.饮:领着(动物)去喝水To dilute or weaken by adding water:稀释,淡化:加水稀释或淡化:例句:a bar serving whiskey that had been watered.提供掺水威士忌的酒吧
    To give a sheen to the surface of (silk, linen, or metal).上轧波纹:给(丝、麻或金属)表面上光泽To increase (the number of shares of stock) without increasing the value of the assets represented.发行虚股:增加(股票的数量)却并没有提高所代表的资产价值To irrigate (land).灌溉(土地)v.intr.(不及物动词)To produce or discharge fluid, as from the eyes.流眼泪:如从眼中产生或分泌液体To salivate in anticipation of food:分泌唾液:期待食物而分泌唾液:例句:The wonderful aroma from the kitchen makes my mouth water.厨房飘来的香味使我们垂涎三尺
    To take on a supply of water, as a ship.加水:加上水的储备,如船To drink water, as an animal.饮水,如动物
    water down
    To reduce the strength or effectiveness of:削弱:削减了…的力量或效力:例句:.It seemed clear by late autumn that the ban would be significantly watered down or removed altogether before the trade bill became law.(George R. Packard).到晚秋时,这项禁令看起来会被大大削弱或在贸易法案成为法律之前完全撤销.(乔治R.帕卡德)
    常用词组>above water
    Out of difficulty or trouble.摆脱困难,摆脱麻烦water under the bridge
    A past occurrence, especially something unfortunate, that cannot be undone or rectified:既成事实:过去发生的事情,尤指不幸之事且不可改变或无法挽回:例句:All that is now just water under the bridge.所有那些现在都是不可改变的既成事实
    习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English wôter * see wed- 源自 古英语 wôter *参见 wed-



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