
关键词: 策略


pitch是什么意思,pitch的解释  英汉词典 pitched

pitch是什么意思,pitch的解释 英汉词典 pitched

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    pitch是什么意思,pitch的解释  英汉词典 pitched


    n. 程度, 坡度, 顶点, 前倾, 倾斜, 投掷, 音高, 螺距, 节距, 摊位, 树脂, 沥青
    vt. 投, 掷, 向前倾跌, 扎营, 竭力推销, 为...定调, 定位于, 用沥青涂
    vi. 搭帐篷, 投掷, 向前跌, 猛然摔倒, 坠落, 倾斜
    【计】 孔距
    【化】 音调; 管中心距; 节距; 沥青
    【医】 音高, 音调, 沥青, 树脂, 松脂
    【经】 摆摊, 兜售, 展示
    pitch sb out
    at concert pitch
    make a pitch for
    make one's pitch
    pitch in
    pitch into
    pitch into sb
    queer sb's pitch
    queer the pitch for sb
    touch pitch


    动词过去式:pitched 过去分词:pitched 现在分词: 第三人称单数:pitches 


    throw, cast, fling, heave, hurl, pitch, toss
    throw: 普通用词,使用广泛,仅指用力抛掷,不涉及动作方式或感 * 彩。
    cast: 常可与throw互换,指迅速扔出一个重量较轻的物体。
    fling: 指用力投掷,或因感情激动而粗暴地或漫无目的地扔东西。
    heave: 指把重物举起后扔出。
    hurl: 通常指用力投掷,动作迅猛,所投掷的距离也较远。
    pitch: 指随意地、轻轻地掷或扔,侧重方向性和有明确的目标。
    toss: 指无什么目的地、轻轻地、随意地掷或扔,所扔掷的东西一般都比较轻。


    名词 pitch:

    1. the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration
    2. (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter
    3. a vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk)
    4. promotion by means of an argument and demonstration
      同义词:sales talk, sales pitch
    5. degree of deviation from a horizontal plane
      同义词:rake, slant
    6. any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue
    7. a high approach shot in golf
      同义词:pitch shot
    8. an all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump
      同义词:auction pitch
    9. abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance)
      同义词:lurch, pitching
    10. the action or manner of throwing something

    动词 pitch:

    1. throw or toss with a light motion
      同义词:flip, toss, sky
    2. move abruptly
      同义词:lurch, shift
    3. fall or plunge forward
    4. set to a certain pitch
    5. sell or offer for sale from place to place
      同义词:peddle, monger, huckster, hawk, vend
    6. be at an angle
      同义词:slope, incline
    7. heel over
      同义词:cant, cant over, tilt, slant
    8. erect and fasten
      同义词:set up
    9. throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball
    10. hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with a backspin
    11. lead (a card) and establish the trump suit
    12. set the level or character of


    1. Let's pitch out the troublemakers.
    2. The ship pitched in the storm.
    3. We planned to pitch our camps in the mountains.
    4. Touch pitch, and you will be defiled.


    n.(名词)Any of various thick, dark, sticky substances obtained from the distillation residue of coal tar, wood tar, or petroleum and used for waterproofing, roofing, caulking, and paving.沥青,人造沥青:某种厚厚的、黑而粘的物质,由炭焦、木焦或石油的剩余物中提炼出来,用于防水、盖屋顶、填缝和铺路Any of various natural bitumens, such as mineral pitch or asphalt.树脂,自然沥青:某种自然的沥青,如矿石沥青或树脂A resin derived from the sap of various coniferous trees, as the pines.松脂,树脂:某种松脂,自某些针叶树(如松树)上提取v.tr.(及物动词)pitched,pitch.ing,pitch.es To smear or cover with or as if with pitch.用沥青涂,用沥青覆盖
    来源:Middle English pich 中古英语 pich from Old English pic 源自 古英语 pic and from Anglo-Norman piche 并源自 英法语 piche both from Latin pix pic- 都源自 拉丁语 pix pic-

    pitch 2
    v.(动词)pitched,pitch.ing,pitch.es v.tr.(及物动词)

    To throw, usually with careful aim.See Synonyms at throw 投,投掷,抛:投掷,常指在小心地瞄准后参见 throwTo discard by throwing:丢,抛开,丢弃:例句:pitched the can out the window.往窗外抛出一个罐子
    Baseball 【棒球】 To throw (the ball) from the mound to the batter.投球:将球从投球区土墩投给击球手To play (a game) as pitcher.(在球赛中)担任投手To assign as pitcher.指派…为投手To erect or establish; set up:树起,搭起,建立:例句:pitched a tent; pitch camp.搭帐蓬;扎营
    To set firmly; implant; embed:深埋:牢牢地设立;植入;扎进:例句:pitched stakes in the ground.在地上打桩
    To set at a specified downward slant:设以特定的向下倾斜的角度:例句:pitched the roof at a steep angle.将屋顶搭成陡斜式

    To set at a particular level, degree, or quality:定下某标准:确定在某个特殊的水平、程度或性质:例句:pitched her expectations too high.将她的志向定得太高
    Music To set the pitch or key of.【音乐】 为…定音To adapt so as to be applicable; direct:修正以适用;指向:例句:pitched his speech to the teenagers in the audience.他的发言是给观众中的青少年听的
    Informal To attempt to promote or sell, often in a high-pressure manner:【非正式用语】 促销:企图推销或销售,常以高压的方式:例句:.showed up on local TV to pitch their views.(Business Week).在当地电视台大做广告,推行他们的观点.(商务周刊)
    Sports To hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with backspin so that it does not roll very far after striking the ground.【体育运动】 打出旋高球:将(高尔夫球)击成下旋高球,以致于球触地后不会滚得很远Games To lead (a card), thus establishing the trump suit.【游戏】 以王牌取胜:打出确定胜局的王牌v.intr.(不及物动词)To throw or toss something, such as a ball, horseshoe, or bale.抛,扔,投:投或抛出某物,如球、马蹄铁或大包Baseball To play in the position of pitcher.【棒球】 当投手:在投手的位置上To plunge headlong:向前跌或冲:头向前摔出:例句:He pitched over the railing.他摔出栏杆外

    To stumble around; lurch.四处徘徊;举步蹒跚To buck, as a horse.跳跃,如马

    Nautical To dip bow and stern alternately.【航海】 上下颠簸:船头或船尾轮流扎进水To oscillate about a lateral axis so that the nose lifts or descends in relation to the tail. Used of an aircraft.上下振动:绕航线轴晃动,机头时而高于时而低于机尾。用于飞机To oscillate about a lateral axis that is both perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and horizontal to the earth. Used of a missile or spacecraft.偏航:绕航线轴晃动,或是与纬线垂直或是与地面水平。用于导弹或宇宙飞船To slope downward:向下倾斜:例句:The hill pitches steeply.小山陡峭
    To set up living quarters; encamp; settle.搭帐篷,安营:设置宿营地;扎营;定位Sports To hit a golf ball in a high arc with backspin so that it does not roll very far after striking the ground.【体育运动】 击下旋高球:击下旋高球,使球触地后不会滚开太远n.(名词)The act or an instance of pitching.投,抛,掷:投掷的动作或事实Baseball 【棒球】 A throw of the ball by the pitcher to the batter.抛:球的抛出,被投手击向击球手A ball so thrown.这样投出的球Sports The rectangular area between the wickets in cricket, 22 yards (20. meters) by 0 feet (3. meters).Also called wicket 【体育运动】 板球场:板球中两个三柱门之间的方球场,22码(20.米)×0英尺(3.米)也作 wicket

    Nautical The alternate dip and rise of the bow and stern of a ship.【航海】 (船舶)颠簸:船头与船尾交替点水The alternate lift and descent of the nose and tail of an airplane.(飞机)摇晃:飞机机头机尾交替下沉

    A steep downward slope.陡斜:向下倾斜的陡坡The degree of such a slope.斜度:这种斜坡的度数Architecture 【建筑学】 The angle of a roof.屋顶斜度The highest point of a structure:顶点:建筑物的顶点:例句:the pitch of an arch.拱门的至高点
    A level or degree, as of intensity:程度:水平或程度,指强度:例句:worked at a feverish pitch.高度热情地工作

    Acoustics The distinctive quality of a sound, dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound waves produced by its source.【声学】 音质:声音的特性,主要依据从音源发出的声波的频率Music The relative position of a tone within a range of musical sounds, as determined by this quality.【音乐】 音高:在一定音乐声中,某一音调相应的位置,由音高决定Music Any of various standards for this quality associating each tone with a particular frequency.【音乐】 音调:一种音高标准,将每一音调与其特定的频率相连

    The distance traveled by a machine screw in a single revolution.螺距:机器螺旋转动一次所用的距离The distance between two corresponding points on adjacent screw threads or gear teeth.螺距:两个相对应的点或相邻的螺钉之间的距离The distance between two corresponding points on a helix.螺旋的间距:螺旋线上两个相应的点之间的距离The distance that a propeller would travel in an ideal medium during one complete revolution, measured parallel to the shaft of the propeller.推进器转一圈的距离:飞机螺旋桨旋转一次的前移距离,以其与螺旋桨相平行的距离衡量Informal 【非正式用语】 A line of talk designed to persuade:言词:用以劝戒某人的谈话:例句:.[his] pious pitch for . . . austerity. (Boston Globe).他的 说服别人苦行的神圣论点. (波士顿环球)
    An advertisement.广告Chiefly British The stand of a vender or hawker.【多用于英国】 货摊,摊位:商贩的摊位Games See seven-up 【游戏】 参见 seven-upPrinting The density of characters in a printed line, usually expressed as characters per inch.【印刷术】 印刷密度:一个印刷品中字的密度,常以每英寸多少个字来表示
    pitch in 【非正式用语】
    To set to work vigorously.使劲干,投入:精力充沛地投入工作To join forces with others; help or cooperate.协力,做贡献:配合他人;帮助或合作pitch into 【非正式用语】
    To attack verbally or physically; assault.猛烈攻击:口头或武力攻击;攻击pitch on 或
    pitch upon 【非正式用语】
    To succeed in choosing or achieving, usually quickly:选出,决定,选定:成功且常是迅速地选定或实现:例句:pitched on the ideal solution.做出理想的决定
    常用词组>来源:Middle English pichen 中古英语 pichen probably from Old English *piccean [causative of] .pocian [to prick] 可能源自 古英语 *piccean [] ·pocian的使役动词 [刺]

    您还可以搜索:pitch翻译,pitchfork,pitchbook,pitcher,pitch in,pitch black,pitched,pitch dark,pitchblende,pitch perfect④


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